10 tips for healthy bones and joints

10 tips for healthy bones and joints

Healthy bones and joints are essential for our mobility and quality of life. However, more people suffer from chronic pain and musculoskeletal disorders. With some simple measures, you can counteract this.

Growing incidence of musculoskeletal disorders

The lifestyle habits of many people, often involving hours of sitting in poor posture, too little exercise, unhealthy eating, and a lot of stress, do not exactly promote health. These factors significantly contribute to the increase in musculoskeletal disorders.

According to recent studies, about 15% of adults in Germany suffer from chronic back pain, and the prevalence of joint diseases like osteoarthritis is steadily increasing. These conditions not only reduce quality of life but also cause significant limitations in daily activities. Therefore, it is crucial to take proactive measures to promote and maintain the health of bones and joints in the long term.

Tip 1: Stay active

Regular physical activity, preferably daily, is essential for keeping your bones and joints healthy. It's not about engaging in competitive sports, but simply about moderate physical activity. An ideal approach involves a combination of strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and exercises to improve flexibility.

Regular strength training is particularly important as it builds and strengthens muscles, stabilizing and relieving the joints. Increased muscle mass also boosts energy expenditure, promoting a healthy body weight. Additionally, anti-inflammatory agents are produced within the muscles. To achieve these benefits, it is sufficient to engage in strength training, for example, 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes. This can be done at home with bodyweight exercises or simple fitness equipment like dumbbells or resistance bands.

Exercise also helps increase bone density, especially forms of movement where bones are subjected to brief impacts. Examples include jumping, jogging, or simply walking. Activities like swimming or cycling are beneficial for the cardiovascular system and can be suitable during injury recovery. However, they may not achieve the desired effects on bone density.

Tip 2: Maintain a healthy body weight

Excess body weight puts stress on the joints, especially the knee and hip joints, and can lead to increased wear. This raises the risk of developing osteoarthritis and chronic joint pain. A balanced diet and regular exercise help maintain a healthy weight and relieve the joints.

Tip 3: Pay attention to good posture

Good posture relieves the joints and promotes bone health. Ergonomics in the workplace are crucial for sitting and working comfortably without strain. Ensure your chair and desk are set at the correct height and take regular breaks to stretch and move. Ergonomic office chairs with movable seats and backrests or periodically working standing up with an adjustable desk are also good solutions.

Proper posture also includes foot and leg positioning. If you have orthopaedic issues (such as leg misalignment or weak arches), seek professional advice to address them with appropriate shoes, insoles, foot exercises, or other methods. This helps prevent or reduce long-term strain, which can have profound consequences for the entire musculoskeletal system.

Additionally, lifting heavy objects correctly is important for relieving the joints, especially the spine and lower back. Avoid lifting heavy weights with your back; instead, bend your knees and lift the object with a straight back.

Tip 4: Get enough sleep

Getting restful sleep is crucial for our health. During sleep, numerous repair processes occur, allowing the body to recover from physical exertion, heal micro-injuries, and build new tissue. Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, reduces physical regeneration and promotes inflammation.

Restful sleep also enhances cognitive functions such as concentration and reaction time, improving movement coordination and thereby reducing the risk of injury.

Tip 5: Reduce your stress levels

Chronic stress harms the body in many ways. Stress promotes inflammation in the body and can even contribute to bone loss, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, stress can lead to muscle tension, which negatively affects the entire musculoskeletal system.

Tip 6: Lower your risk of injuries

Protect your joints and bones from injuries by wearing the proper protective gear during sports activities. Make sure to warm up sufficiently before training and perform the exercises correctly. Avoid overdoing it with overly heavy weights or too many repetitions during training and give your body adequate recovery time after physical exertion. This way, you can effectively prevent injuries.

Tip 7: Regularly attend preventive check-ups

Even if you don't have any specific health issues, it is advisable to undergo regular preventive check-ups. Regarding bones and joints, it is relevant to periodically check micronutrient levels. A full blood mineral analysis, which captures all minerals and trace elements, is suitable for this purpose. Additionally, the vitamin D level should also be analyzed.

Other preventive measures may include bone density measurements for women beyond menopause or regular visits to an osteopath or physiotherapist for individuals who engage in a lot of sports, perform heavy physical work, or sit for extended periods, thereby posing an elevated risk of pain and musculoskeletal disorders.

Tip 8: Avoid alcohol and smoking

Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking harm health and promote inflammation in the body. Both habits also impair bone density and the body's ability to absorb and utilize essential nutrients, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Tip 9: Follow a healthy diet

Nutrition has a significant impact on our health. A healthy, balanced diet helps supply the body with essential nutrients and micronutrients and promotes a healthy body weight.

Integrate as many natural, whole foods as possible into your diet, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, pseudo-cereals like quinoa and amaranth, whole grains, and unprocessed meat and fish.

Try to eliminate products high in sugar, unhealthy fats, additives (such as sweeteners or flavor enhancers), etc., from your diet, as these products can harm the body in many ways and promote inflammation.

Tip 10: Provide your bones and joints with micronutrients

In addition to a balanced diet, dietary supplements can be a valuable support in promoting the health of bones and joints. We offer various products in our range that can make a valuable contribution. Here are some of them:

Calcium and Magnesium

The minerals calcium and magnesium are essential building blocks for bones and teeth. About 99 % of the calcium and 60 % of the magnesium in the body are found in the bones. Additionally, the body needs these minerals for many other functions, such as muscle function, nerve signal transmission, and energy metabolism.

Calcium and magnesium are closely linked in metabolism. For example, magnesium is involved in regulating blood calcium levels and is required for forming the active form of vitamin D, which is also essential for bone metabolism.

Our CalMag 2:1 supplement is a combined calcium-magnesium preparation that contains calcium and magnesium in a balanced 2:1 ratio. The preparation includes various forms of calcium and magnesium, including natural chelate complexes that can be well absorbed in the intestines.

Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2

Vitamin D and vitamin K2 are fat-soluble vitamins that complement each other in their effects on bone health.

Vitamin D can be synthesized by the body under UV radiation and is therefore technically a hormone. In its active form (vitamin D3), it promotes the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus from the intestines, which are the main minerals for bone formation. Additionally, vitamin D3 is crucial for healthy muscle function and the immune system.

Vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone, is one of the two natural forms of vitamin K. It can be produced in small amounts in the intestines by gut flora bacteria but must also be obtained from food. Vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 work together in calcium metabolism: while vitamin D3 promotes the availability of calcium, vitamin K2 ensures its utilization and incorporation into bones.

For combined supplementation of vitamin D3 and K2, we recommend the product Vitamin D3 + K2. This preparation uses olive oil and coconut oil as carrier oils and allows individual, drop-by-drop dosing of the two vitamins.

Many people suffer from a significant vitamin D deficiency. To counteract such a deficiency, our Vitamin D Complex, which contains 3000 IU of vitamin D per capsule, is an excellent option. The preparation also includes vitamin C and MSM.

MSM and Glycosaminoglycans

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a naturally occurring sulphur compound. Sulphur is an essential mineral for building all tissues. The body needs sulphur, for example, to form collagen (an important protein in connective tissue), keratin (the main component of hair and nails), and glycosaminoglycans.

Glycosaminoglycans are large molecules found in cartilage tissue and possess significant water-binding capacity. As a result, they promote the elasticity and shock absorption of cartilage and the lubrication of joint fluid. Glycosaminoglycans include compounds such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid.

Sulphur is also necessary for the immune system and the function of many enzymes, as well as for the production of endogenous antioxidants such as glutathione.

Our MSM supplement is ideal for providing the body with the often overlooked but crucial mineral sulphur.

Another valuable combination supplement for supporting the health of bones and joints is Allvital’s Glucosamine & Chondroitin Complex. In addition to glucosamine and chondroitin, this product also contains collagen, MSM, vitamin D, and vitamin C.

For support of joints and connective tissue, our Hyaluronic Acid supplement, containing pure hyaluronic acid in capsule form, is also recommended.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin known for its immune-boosting properties. It is also a potent antioxidant and acts as a cofactor for various enzymes. For example, it is involved in collagen formation, which is crucial for the elasticity and strength of connective tissue, as well as for healthy bones, cartilage, teeth, and gums.

Our Vitamin C Complex contains various natural forms of vitamin C, supplemented with the amino acid L-lysine and various plant extracts with antioxidant properties.

Conclusion – healthy bones and joints, it is in your hands

Healthy joints and bones are not a given, but with the right measures implemented over the long term, you can do a lot to maintain and improve the health of your musculoskeletal system.


  • Prävalenz von Rücken- und Nackenschmerzen in Deutschland. Ergebnisse der Krankheitslast-Studie BURDEN 2020 - Journal of Health Monitoring S3/2021. Robert Koch Institute [Internet]. [Accessed on: 24.05.2024].

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